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Brazilian Portuguese Version of Purcom


Circular economy

Transforming production or post-production
polyurethane surplus into new
objects, such as school desks; or
transforming this discarded material into
raw material again. This is already a
reality in physical recycling, and in
chemical recycling, the state of the art in
Purcom Circular Economy. It generates
positive benefits of lower disposal,
keeping products and materials for longer
use in the production cycle.


Circular economy

Ambition to break paradigms on
the current production and business model.
Purcom is the pioneer and expert in
big challenges.

By looking beyond the current industrial extractivist
model, grab-make-discard, Purcom works
for the propagation of the circular economy, which aims to
redefine growth, concentrating on the
positive benefits for the whole society.

By dissociating the economic activity from the consumption of
finite resources and planning waste outside the system,
supported by a transition to renewable energy
sources, the circular economy proposed by
Purcom is based on three principles:

  • Planning for wastage and pollution;
  • Keeping products and materials in use;
  • Regenerating natural systems.
Circular economy

In circular economy, the economic
activity builds and rebuilds the
general health of the system. The concept
recognizes the importance of the economy
required to effectively work
in all scales - large
and small companies, organizations
and individuals, globally and locally.

Within the circular economy concept, Purcom
works with reverse logistics. Practiced in several
countries around the world, reverse logistics officially
arrived in Brazil in 2010, with the approval of the
law that established the National Policy of Solid
Waste. To learn more about Purcom’s reverse
logistics, click here.