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National Policy on Solid Waste: How to transform polyurethane waste into opportunities

National Policy on Solid Waste: How to transform polyurethane waste into opportunities


PURCOM held the event National Solid Waste Policy: How to transform polyurethane waste into opportunities, which addressed Call Notice No. 01/2014, and asked companies and the Polyurethane, Glass Fiber and Polystyrene Sector to present their Reverse Logistics Plan for the State of Paraná, by 03/26/2015 and extended to 06/26/2015.

This notice complies with the provisions of the National Solid Waste Policy - PNRS 12305/10 and Decree 7404/10, in which reverse logistics is the area that plans, operates and controls the flow and the logistical information corresponding to the return of the post- consumption goods to the product life cycle through reverse distribution channels. The public notice implies that the companies that manufacture, distribute and/or sell products in the state of Paraná are required to prepare reverse logistics plans.

PURCOM - which has been working in the area since 2008 and was the first company in Brazil, in the polyurethane sector, to have a reverse logistics plan presented and approved within the terms of the Notice - proposed to discuss this new scenario. Not only under the legal aspect and its penalties, but, mainly, regarding the opportunities that may arise in this process. Thus, the Solid Waste Coordination of Paraná, linked to the Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources - SEMA-PR, the representative of the Parliamentary Front in Defense of the Recycling Productive Chain, participated in the event, in addition to the companies that participated in the pioneer project in the sector.

Event location:

UNIVERSIDADE POSITIVO – Bloco Vermelho – Auditório 2

Rua Professor Pedro Viriato Parigot de Souza, 5300

Cidade Industrial

Curitiba - PR




14:00 hs

National Policy on Solid Waste: How to transform polyurethane waste into opportunities

Watch the recording of the event below: