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Polyurethane Adhesive

Polyurethane Adhesive

What is an Polyurethane Adhesive?

The polyurethane adhesive is bonding product mainly used in civil construction, in services where the adhesion between substrates is required, i.e., joined by bonding two or more surfaces. It can be used for expansion joints, pre-molded, irrigation channels, floors, cracks and fissures, chutes, flashing, glasses, toilet bowl joints, etc.

Additionally, the polyurethane adhesive is useful to the automotive industry for applications to truck bodies and boxes, chambers of cold storage trucks and a number of uses.

Learn more about the Polyurethane Adhesive characteristics

The polyurethane adhesive is known as a sealant manufactured from a single component, the polyurethane itself. It is moisture-resistant and works very well in ambient temperature, becoming a very effective product, both physically and chemically.

It is common to find the product being sold in plastic packaging with an applicator tip at one end.

How to apply the product?

First, it is important to analyze the surfaces, performing total cleaning, removing oil, rust, dust, mold, water or any other substance that may damage the quality of the product application.

It is recommended to put a tape in order to know exactly where the polyurethane adhesive will be. After applying it, it is important to use a spatula on the surfaces to ensure that the product will work as required.

Do you want to know where you may find Polyurethane Adhesive?

Purcom is a polyurethane systems house. It was established in 2002 to support the industries that work with polyurethane in the most varied segments. The Purcom Polyurethane Solutions Platform offers to Brazilian market no only innovative products, but also several strategic services.

More than a chemical company, Purcom is a platform of competitive and ecological solutions in polyurethane.

Request your Polyurethane Adhesive quote now!

Call +55 (11) 4161-8900 or contact us by email at [email protected]. The Purcom's Polyurethane Solutions Platform has employees prepared to provide any information you need about polyurethane adhesive.