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Polyurethane Sealant

Polyurethane Sealant

What is a Polyurethane Sealant?

The polyurethane sealant is a product that can be one-component or two-component with curing adjusted according to the application need. The polyurethane sealant has high elasticity and high resistance, is indicated for application on metals, wide variety of plastics, wood, rubber, glass and concrete. It joins rigid and flexible parts supporting determined temperatures between -40º and 90º.

In civil construction, the polyurethane sealant /strong> is widely used for bonding and sealing vertical and horizontal expansion joints, between precast elements, joints exposed to the weather, floor grouting, tile cealing, gutters, flashings and cracks, damp areas, decorative stones and porcelain. Polyurethane Sealant is a non-corrosive product, does not suffer from yellowing, absorbs impacts, resists traction, compression and shearing efforts.

Polyurethane Sealant

Do you want to know more about polyurethane sealant? Talk to Purcom.

Purcom specializes in polyurethane being the largest Independent Systems House in Latin America, it has already produced more than 2 thousand polyurethane formulas contributing to the growth of its customers through the polyurethane solutions platform.

Another differential of Purcom is the CIP (Purcom intelligence center), where it is possible to develop and test different formulas and environments for the use of Polyurethane Sealant and check its characteristics in different environments and projects.

Do you want to speak to Purcom?

Call +55 (11) 4161-8900 or contact us by email at [email protected]. Purcom offers the latest in the market for the development of new technologies for Polyurethane Sealant through Purcom's Polyurethane Solutions Platform.