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product engineering

With 90,000 employees in 70 countries, the
North American innovation giant wanted
to improve the performance of the polyurethane
used in the damping equipment. The idea was
to enhance the noise absorption, external
protection, appearance, finish (remove burr)
and the constancy of characteristics.

purcom’s operation

Chemical identification of a product and the development
of a new formulation, in line with all the
requirements. Also, Purcom created the
prototype of a new mold with ten holes,
instead of two, simplifying the production process
and increasing the productivity of the customer by reducing wastage.

product engineering

In partnership with researchers, companies,
entrepreneurs, governments, international
bodies, or any other
part interested in creating a
new product, Purcom maps the
challenge and develops the polyurethane

Product engineering involves several
phases, according to different degrees of complexity,
and to each project.