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Reverse Logistics

Back to the future of the

Since the early stages of life on Earth, living
beings are born, grow, die and become
nutrients for the soil, in a never-ending harmony
cycle, where nothing is wasted, everything
is reused.

In the same way, products may have a lifespan that goes well
Beyond the consumption cycle. Industrial surplus may be
reused in the production cycles. Instead of
ignoring valuable resources and contaminating nature
sending waste to landfill, with Reverse
Logistics it is possible to generate, at the same time, economic
social and environmental benefits.

Reverse Logistics


Exercised in various countries around
the world, Reverse Logistics officially
arrived in Brazil in 2010, with the
approval of the law that established
the National Policy of Solid Waste.

Purcom began to structure plans
of Reverse Logistics even before
it became mandatory by law. No
wonder it was the first company
in the polyurethane chain in the country to approve
with the public authorities plans for
reversal for raw material that it

Reverse Logistics

How that works

It all starts with a feasibility study of the entire lifecycle
of the product, case by case, recommending or developing the appropriate
reversal technology to each type of industrial or post-consumption waste.

Then, Purcom performs a diagnosis and takes care of the management of the entire collection,
processing and reuse cycle of waste, with the support of an
independent partner.

Purcom has already developed an integrated technological solution for the
reuse of waste in 3 polyurethane families: semi-rigid (used
as thermal insulation, mainly in civil construction, flexible (usually
applied to mattress foam) and some elastomers (also used
in civil construction).

Knowing the importance of the Reverse Logistics for the new generations,
Purcom is committed to go beyond and create alternatives for the remaining product
families. Always in sync with the customers, assessing every need, in
pursuit of the best solution.

Reverse Logistics

Purcom Integrated System

Purcom Integrated System
Purcom provides to its customers a variety of services,
from guidance to the development of the reverse logistics
plan, through its partners, to the incorporation of
Purcom’s plan that was already approved. In this case, the investment is much


To perform the diagnosis of the industrial waste and provide the solution for the disposal, this is the purpose of the Right Destination Program. Through its logistics operator, Purcom collects, separates and transports to the transformer, returning the waste to the production cycle, with physical recycling.


Besides offering a competitive raw material, with availability, be it from industrial waste or post-consumption products, the Easy Recycling Program offers to the responsible for the recycling a number of chemical products that allow more efficiency in the transformation of new materials. In some cases, like discarded mattresses, with bactericide.


The development and state of the art of the Reverse Logistics Program by Purcom is the Close Cycle Program. It consists in extracting, at first, from rigid and flexible foam, basic polyol through Purcom’s chemical recycling technology. The recycled polyol that was obtained is incorporated in the right amount into the formulated polyol and will return to the transformer, which will use it normally in its production process. This technology ensures all chemical and physical properties of the polyurethane system.

Reverse Logistics



Reduction of costs via
return of materials to the
production cycle (which generates
less purchase of raw
material) and via extinction or
reduction in destination


Reuse of the
industrial and post-
consumption waste means less extraction
of natural resources and
less disposal into the


Creation of jobs and
income in the reuse
cycle. Recyclers and
recycled products
have preference
in public tenders,
tax exemptions and other


By joining Purcom’s
Integrated System of
Reverse Logistics, the customer
begins to comply with
the legislation of the National
Policy of Solid
Waste, preventing eventual
fines or sanctions
provided for by law.

Reverse Logistics

When it became aware of
all the advantages of the
Reverse Logistics presented by
Purcom, Randon, the largest
trailer and semi-trailer
manufacturer in Latin
America, decided to reuse the
surplus of the rigid polyurethane
applied to the filling of
thermal panels of
cold storage trucks.

Purcom’s operation/h1>

Due to Reverse Logistics, surplus of the
polyurethane used by Randon, which previously
generated destination costs and environmental
impact on landfill, is now used in the creation
of traffic signaling parts. Also,
they create jobs and more economic activity.

Prior to learning about the Reverse Logistics
developed by Purcom, the disposal of the
surplus of 1 kg of PU by Randon used to cost
around R$10. Currently, this expense became an
economic, social and environmental benefit.