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Thermal Insulation Foam

Thermal Insulation Foam

Thermal insulation foam brings more comfort to an environment

The thermal insulation foam produced from polyurethane is one of the best insulating materials on the market, since it has very low thermal conductivity which consequently generates less heat exchange between environments.

The polyurethane thermal insulation foam can be applied through plates (rigid material that can be cut according to application needs) and through expansive foam (spray) where it is possible to fill, seal a room more widely.

Thermal Insulation Foam

A characteristic of thermal insulation foam, mainly in its spray version, is that may can be used in a wide variety of materials such as wood, plastics, metals, masonries, etc.

It is worth mentioning the importance of a professional specialized in handling thermal insulation foam for application / installation in an environment. One must be careful and know exactly how to use it to guarantee the expected result.

Thermal Insulation Foam

The technology of thermal insulation foam you find at Purcom

Purcom specializes in polyurethane being the largest Independent Systems House in Latin America, it has already produced more than 2 thousand polyurethane formulas contributing to the growth of its customers through the polyurethane solutions platform.

Another differential of Purcom is the CIP (Purcom intelligence center), where it is possible to develop and test different formulas and environments for the use of thermal insulation foam and check its characteristics in different environments and projects.

Thermal Insulation Foam

Do you want to speak to Purcom?

Call +55 (11) 4161-8900 or contact us by email at [email protected]. Purcom offers the latest in the market for the development of new technologies for Thermal Insulation Foam through Purcom's Polyurethane Solutions Platform.